Saturday, July 01, 2006

ok, so the rotary people are officially toying with me. 1st I was leaving on the 18th, then they changed it to the 4th. So I had to fast-forward all my plans and I was doing all my last-minute preparations when they informed me today that - just kidding! - I'm actually leaving on the 11th. Goodness. I was so ready to go, too. Oh, well. So (unless they decide it would be cute to change it again) I will be leaving in 10, not 3 days.


Courtney said...

Colleen! Ahhh you left today!!! Crazy!!!! As of now you are probably on your way to India or there already!
Can't wait to hear about everything!
Te amo!

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.