Friday, July 21, 2006

A word on Indian toilets. This is not the nicest or most appetizing topic, but when you consider how important toilets are to our daily lives, it is something that must be addressed. There are 3 main types of Indian toilets:
1) The squatter (some of you travelers may know of these, for those of you who don't, it's basically a little trough in the ground). I am still profoundly terrified of these, and haven't attempted to use one yet.
2) The normal toilet, with a "personal shower" hose thing in lieu of toilet paper. This is what can be found in my house, and I didn't realize how lucky I was until I was faced with:
3) The toilet with no shower, no toilet paper, but instead a little water tap low down on the wall with a grubby cup underneath it. You work it out.
I have not seen a square of toilet paper since the Mumbai airport bathroom.
Enough of that. I had another bizarre encounter with the club president a couple of days ago. It went something like this:
Him: So how are you liking India?
Me: I like it a lot! I'm having a lot of fun.
Him (sagely): Yes, it always gets better after the first week.
Me (uncertainly): Well, yes, but I've been doing well since I got here.
Him (persistently): The first week is always the hardest. Things will be better for you from now on.
Am I breaking some unwritten law that says exchange students are not allowed to have fun until the second week of their exchange?
School boring as usual. I have not heard a word about the alleged Hindi, dance and music classes that I'm supposed to start soon. I had to introduce myself to the class and was immediately requested to sing a song in English. I obliged them with a terribly off-key, octave-jumping version of the Star-Spangled Banner. Indian girls sure are giggly.


Courtney said...

Dude, I'm impressed! Singing in front of your class on the first I don't if I could do that - I cannot sing to save my life. I guess it kind of goes along with trying new food may be something you don't want to do but it's part of being an exchagne student. Shoot...I'm gonna go practice and get over my fear...knowing me I'd forget the words.

Anonymous said...

you cant be as bad of a singer as me

Anonymous said...

ah colleen, i can sense that your gonna have more than a few misadventures in this coming year.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Colleen! I'm Kim's mom (Sue Marrugi). I'm really intrigued with your blog, and absolutely love the way you write. You express yourself so well. Perhaps you should look into being a writer. Sorry you're getting floods and all those inconvenient things, but you're young and will have wonderful stories to tell in the future. Keep "blogging"!

Anonymous said...

P. S. In case you still don't know who I am, I'm one of Mya's grandmothers!
